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BC2010 - Saturday Nighttime Activity

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:23 pm
by immorality
There are a couple of ideas floating around for our Saturday night activities, please vote in the poll and add any comments you may have. Thanks.

Hide and seek:

a twist on the classic game. 1 or 2 cars are chosen as "it". All cars are FRS radio ready! The hiders drive away and are given a time frame in which to park someplace and wait. They may not move once they're parked. The seekers are given a time limit to find as many 2's as possible. Boundaries are put on the area, so you can't hide somewhere ridiculously far. Each car that is found becomes a seeker, until all cars are found. Meet back at the original spot, and play again. Once spotted, seekers must announce who they found on the FRS radio, and the hiders must announce they were found and are now seekers. Hiders must give small hints after a certain amount of time elapses to assist the game in progressing so nobody sits too long. (IE. if the game is 30 minutes to find all the cars, hiders can give hints at 10, 15, and 25 minutes, or whatever is determined at the start). Any cars not found by the end win, and prizes can be an option.

Twilight Drive In:

A BCMR2 tradition, we all gather together for an old fashion drive in theatre experience. Three movies for only $12.50 broadcast over FM radio so you can get sweet sound right inside your '2.

Re: BC2010 - Saturday Nighttime Activity

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:09 pm
by RePete
Hide & Seek definitely sounds fun, but I don't think that's an eveing/night activity.

Re: BC2010 - Saturday Nighttime Activity

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:02 pm
by immorality
Well, it's a neat idea that I've never heard of before, so it's worth a shot.