Auto X 2015 thread

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Auto X 2015 thread

Postby m_b » Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:48 pm

First Auto X event of 2015 will be slush #4!

Sign up --- >

BCMR2 Slush #4 Attendance List:
1. Miguel
2. Marc
3. Minna
4. Russ
5. Jeff


Stolen from previous Auto X threads made by Russ

Most people new to autocross ask these kinds of questions:
Q: "But my car is stock, should I still go?"
A: Yes. The stock classes are some of the biggest ones. And it's frickin fun pushing your car in a safe and legal environment. Better here at a wide open airport than out on the street.

Q: "But I don't drive a fast car, what's the point?"
A: Because it's fun no matter what you drive. And people come in automatic TSX's and Yaris's and they do great. You're also placed into a class according to what car you drive, and within your class, it's all driver skill.

Q: "Won't this screw up my car?"
A: No. And each run is 40-50 seconds long, ~6 runs per autocross event, for a total of 4 to 5 minutes.

Q: "Does it cost a lot?"
A: No, typical cost to register is about $50.

Q: "I don't have a helmet?"
A: They provide them. Just show up.

You have three choices when it comes to autocross in Vancouver. VCMC, UBCSCC, and PCA (Porsche Club). All three are open to anyone with any vehicle (unless you drive an SUV, I don't believe those are allowed), of any skill or experience level.
I'll add more as I get time, but here's a copy & paste run down from the UBCSCC:

UBCSCC has been holding Autocrosses (AutoX) since its inception in the 1950′s. Students and alumnis back then started racing in parking lots on campus, namely The Barn, and other venues in the Lower Mainland. AutoX is the lifeblood of this club, bringing in many racers which forms the majority of our membership base. Every year, we continue to accept racers guys and girls, young and old, UBC students and not.
Autoslalom aka Autocross / AutoX

From a grassroot level, this is the least expensive organized form of motorsport where most begin when they get into racing. The basic concepts of this sport can be summarized by the following:

-A race against time; One car on course
-Manueover a road course made up of traffic cones as quickly as you can
-Cars of different performance potential and modifications are divided into classes
-Each class has a multiplier for indexing times between classes for equal competition
-AutoX is a volunteer sport; You race, and then you work. No work, no times

For our 2012 list of AutoX events and other club happenings, please see our Club Events.

What is AutoX, aka Autoslalom/Autocross?

Autoslalom, sometimes referred to as Solo II or more commonly Autocross (AutoX), is a time trial event where one car at a time completes a road course, usually set up at an unused airport runway or parking lot. The layout of the course is defined using traffic cones, while the goal is to finish the course quickly without disturbing the cones and assessing penalties.

The sport is also the safest form of motorsport because competitors are racing against the clock rather than against other cars. These events are also a test of driver skill and handling rather than all out speed (top speed on course is around 100km/h), thus keeping event insurance costs low (where part of your entry fee goes towards).

What does a course consist of?

An AutoX course is typically made up of (but not limited to) 3 basic elements: Slalom, offset gates, and sweeper, all of which are implemented using traffic cones. Course maps are provided at the beginning of each event for drivers to walk and familiarize themselves with the day’s course.

Do I need special training or prior racing experience to join?

No, not at all, because AutoX is a form of driver training in itself. You can learn the limits of whatever car you have in a safe and controlled environment. Most important of all is that it is legal to participate in. AutoX is an inexpensive sport to get into, and it is typically the first form of motorsport many people start with when they get into racing. As long as you hold a valid driver’s license and have a car to drive, you are set.

How is it scored?

The name of the game is to drive as fast as you can through the course. If a car knocks a cone out of its chalk-lined “box” or tips it over as it goes by it, that adds 2 seconds to their total time for that run. If the driver fails to drive the course as instructed by the course map, they automatically receive a DNF (Did Not Finish; no time) for their run.

Do I need a fast or a modified car to enter?

No, you do not. The truth is, you will have fun either way, guaranteed! Imagine how much MORE fun it would be to do an event and set a baseline for your bone stock car first. Then, put on those new goodies an event at a time and actually feel the difference at your car’s new found limit!

But remember, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what car you drive or the modifications you have – It is all on you and your driving skills to pilot your car to the top of the standings!

What are the rules for AutoX?

For general competition rules, we use the CACC General Competition Rules, as defined by this document.

For car classing, please see the next topic.

Competition, Car Classing

Cars are split up into different classes based on performance potential and modifications. The competition is based on the fastest time each competitor runs on course, with the fastest time in each class winning.

Example: I drive a completely stock car. How will my time be compared to my friend’s *enter fast car here*?

Classing: We run a set of car preparation classing adopted from the SCCA Solo II rulebook, which is updated every year. If you are a beginner, please take a moment and look at our Car Classification forum for more details on how to class your car.

Indexing: Each class has an Index tied to it. This allows you to compare your stock Honda Civic, for example, to a stock Porsche 911. So depending on the driver, after multiplying your raw time by your class’ index, you may actually come out ahead of the 911. (See PAX/RTP Table, updated annually)

Your club is called *UBC*SCC. Do I need to have any affiliation with the university to join, such as a student or an alumni?

Don’t let them name fool you… anybody from anywhere can join and race with us. Guy or girl, young or old, beginner to expert; As long as you hold a valid driver’s license, access to a car, and an interest in the sport, you have met all the minimum requirements! (A lil’ bit of money to cover the entry fees help too!)

OK great! Where do I sign up for a UBCSCC AutoX event?

There are two things you will need:
1. A valid UBCSCC Club Membership
2. Online-only Event Registration: We open up registration online a week or two before the event on our Forum. Typical UBCSCC AutoX entry fees range from $35.00 to $50.00 depending on the size of the lot we are renting. Our events are optimized for maximum seat time and therefore, attendance is capped… so sign up early!

**As of recent years, UBCSCC DO NOT accept in-person registrations in the morning of the event anymore. Please use our online event registration.

What should I bring to an AutoX event?

Most important thing: DRESS FOR THE WEATHER. Remember, not only will you be driving, but you will be working out on course as well. If there is a chance of showers, bring a rain jacket and boots. If it’s supposed to be bitterly cold, bring gloves and headgear. If it’s going to be brutally hot, clothes that wont overheat you are important. It is much better to bring a few extra pieces of clothing and not need them than to either shiver or sweat all day. Besides bringing yourself and your car, there are a few other things you might find convenient to bring with you to an event.

Some basic items that are nice to have are:

-Your own helmet (if not, we have loaners available)
-Tire pressure gauge
-A hat
-A pair of gloves
-Workshop towels
-Motor oil
-Garbage bags or tarp (useful for rainy days)
-A box to put everything in

What to do when I get to the event? **Newbies please read!**

Usually the venue is open at approximately 7:45am, from then on:

-Sign the waivers at the gate upon entering and park your car in the pits
-Prep it for tech inspection: Empty trunk and remove all loose objects in cabin area, etc.
-Check-in at registration and grab a course map
-Walk the course (join our Novice Coursewalk)
-Attend the mandatory Driver’s Meeting when instructed
-For newbies: Novice Driver’s meeting where beginner AutoX Need-To-Know things are covered

Work Assignments

AutoX is a volunteer sport – You race, and then you work. After you come back from your last run, park your car and find the Chief of Workers and check-in. If you do not work an assignment, your times will not be included in the results.

What is inspected at the Tech Inspection?

The Chief of Tech will quickly check a few things, such as:

-Battery is tied down securely
-Cabin and Trunk free of loose objects
-Helmet, if you have one (Snell M2000/2005, SA2000/2005)

Things you should check yourself:

-Removal of driver’s carpet/mat
-All fluids are fresh and topped up, nothing leaking
-Good amount of brake pads left
-Seat belts in good working order
-Cracks in the windshield
-Wheels/Tires (grab and shake them, tighten them down with torque wrench)

If your car is in any way not safe on the street or poorly maintained, you should have it repaired and tuned up before racing it and taking it to its limits. You will not only be jeopardizing the safety of yourself but of those around you as well.

** The venue (BC Driving Centre) we have the privilege of renting has a strict sound limit of 92db in which we must abide by. We accomplish that by using a decibel meter to continually measure each car’s sound level on-course. For the living enjoyment of our Pitt Meadows neighbours, any car that comes close to the limit will immediately receive a warning and may even be asked to park their car for the rest of the day.
1992 Toyota MR2 Turbo (Signal Yellow)
1994 Honda Civic Si
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Re: Auto X 2015 thread

Postby m_b » Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:49 pm


Feb 22
Mar 8
April 12
May 9 (Autocross 101)
May 10
May 30
June 14
July 4
August 8
August 23
September 19 (Autocross 101)
September 20
1992 Toyota MR2 Turbo (Signal Yellow)
1994 Honda Civic Si
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Baby '2
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Re: Auto X 2015 thread

Postby immorality » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:32 am


Sat Apr 11 - Velocity Driving School
Sat Apr 18 - Auto-X Warm up
Sun Apr 26 - Track Day @ Mission Raceway
Sat May 2 - Auto-X Cup #1
Sun May 31 - Auto-X Cup #2
Sun Jun 21 - Auto-X Cup #3
Mon Jun 29 - Track Day @ The Ridge Motorsports Park
Sat Jul 18 - Auto-X Cup #4
Sat Aug 1-2 - Super Challenge
Sun Aug 16 - Auto-X Cup #5
Sat Aug 29 - Velocity Driving School
Sun Aug 30 - Auto-X Cup #6
Fri, Sept 4 - Track Day @ Pacific Raceways
Sun Sep 6 - Auto-X Cup #7
Sun Sep 27 - Auto-X Cup #8
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Re: Auto X 2015 thread

Postby immorality » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:35 am

BC Corvette Club:

Event #1 May 9/2015 Training day event
Event #2 June 6/2015 -Series #1
Event #3 June 27-28/2015 Two day BC Corvette Club 50th Anniversary Special Event
Event #4 July 25/2015- Series #2
Event #5 August 8/2015- Series #3
Event #6 September 5/2015- Series #4
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Re: Auto X 2015 thread

Postby immorality » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:36 am

PCA-CRW (Porsche):

To Be Announced...
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Re: Auto X 2015 thread

Postby immorality » Wed Feb 11, 2015 8:47 am


March 22 - DWC Skills Day
May 3 - DWC Skills Day
June 7 - DWC Skills Day
July 5 - DWC Skills Day
Sept 14 - DWC Skills Day
Oct 18 - DWC Skills Day
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Re: Auto X 2015 thread

Postby m_b » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:52 am

Track Days anyone?
1992 Toyota MR2 Turbo (Signal Yellow)
1994 Honda Civic Si
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